Experimental Methods Workshop.
Our longings are connective forces between here and there. As researchers of creativity and resistance, we grow an increased attentiveness to longings and desires. It helps us to engage differently and deepening our understanding of interlocutors, field sites, field work communities and of our own position in the field.
The goal of this workshop day is encourage participants to include longing actively and creatively in their ethnographic research practice, and to initiate a process of thinking about methodological possibilities suited to the own field site and personal researcher skills.
Workshop design and execution: Dr Hannah Wadle.
Workshop organised for Prof Dr Monika Salzbrunn, Chair of „Religions, Migration, Diasporas“ ERC Project ARTIVISM as contribution to: Seminaire de Master: Migration dans l’art, art dans la migration et artistes migrant.e.s, en coopération avec ERC ARTIVISM. Workshop coordination Ana Rodriguez, MA.